The Rise Of Malvertising

Analyzing The Use Of Malicious Ads In Phishing Campaigns

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    Live Webinar

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    July 27, 202311:00 AM EST

  • or

    Or Shichrur

    Threat Intelligence Team Lead

  • yehonatan

    Yehonatan Wiesel

    Threat Intelligence Analyst

In recent months, threat actors have adopted a new technique for driving traffic to phishing sites: malicious advertisements on search engines and social media platforms. Known as "malvertising," this new technique poses major risks for consumers and businesses alike.

Join Cyberint for a webinar on malvertising as Threat Intelligence Team Lead Or Shichrur covers the following topics:

  • How threat actors exploit trust in major brands
  • Common TTPs in malvertising attacks
  • The risks that malicious ad introduce for businesses

Cyberint Threat Intelligence Analyst Yehonatan Wiesel will discuss a recent case study of a malicious ad campaign impersonating a Cyberint customer's brand on major search engine advertising platforms.

Learn how the to mitigate the risk of malvertising as Yehonatan explains how he investigated the threat, uncovered the threat actor's infrastructure, and eliminated the risk.


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